Paul Carmichaelʼs Pipis with Sweet Habanero and Spinach recipe tastes incredible. See ingredients & method below.
Chicken Stock
Sweet Habanero Paste
Bringing it all together
You will need to allow an extra two hours for the chicken stock to boil.
Chicken Stock
Sweet Habanero Paste
Bringing it all together
Recipe tips from Paul Carmichael.-
Recipe tips from Paul Carmichael.-
“Pipis are usually sold ‘purged’ to remove sand and grit, however if buying them loose, it’s still a good idea to place them in a large bowl of cool salted water and sea salt (30 g salt per litre of water) for several hours or overnight, at room temperature, to get rid of any remaining sand (if you refrigerate them they’ll close up and won’t ‘spit out’ the sand). If they are vac-packed, they are best stored in their packaging until ready to use.”
“To make deep-fried shallots and garlic, finely slice and deep-fry in vegetable oil until crisp and golden: the oil should be hot enough that they don’t go soggy, but not too hot as they need to cook for a few minutes to get an even golden colour. Stir regularly so steam can escape (this also helps them stay crisp); drain on a paper towel until needed.”
“Make the tamarind paste by dissolving a tablespoon of tamarind pulp in ¼ cup of warm water. Work the paste into the water and then strain through a fine sieve, pressing down to remove as much tamarind as possible.”
Pipis are usually sold ‘purged’ to remove sand and grit, however if buying them loose, it’s still a good idea to place them in a large bowl of cool salted water and sea salt (30 g salt per litre of water) for several hours or overnight, at room temperature, to get rid of any remaining sand (if you refrigerate them they’ll close up and won’t ‘spit out’ the sand). If they are vac-packed, they are best stored in their packaging until ready to use.